Friday, October 23, 2009

Aromatherapy for ADHD

Over the last decade, Ritalin has been the drug of choice to be prescribed to hyperactive children by traditional doctors. Unfortunately, it has become overprescribed, the long term effects are not known, and finally, it has created a world of almost zombie-like children in many cases. It has also become the newest street drug, readily bought and sold in school halls across America. Children are meant to be boisterous and energetic, but in some cases, it needs to be tempered. Aromatherapy can help.

Roman Chamomile essential oil has been around for centuries and is known for its calming effect. Chamomile tea has been popular especially in the British Isles for almost as long since it has the ability to prepare someone for bed. This makes it a perfect essential oil for a child who suffers from hyperactivity.

The premise and implementation for your child is relatively simple. First, find the correct diffusion mixture to water. Mix the preparation and place it in a spray bottle. Then when the child begins to become rowdy, have them stand next to you. Spray 3-5 shots around 6-10 inches above the child and have them inhale the scent. It should have an immediate effect. If you have multiple hyperactive children, there is a boiling method. Bring the diffusion water to a slow boil and drop several drops into the boiling water. Then, boil the water until you no longer smell the oil.

Check out Moriah Herbs, it is your source for natural healing. At Moriah Herbs you are part of the vision, our mission is your well being.

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