Thursday, May 14, 2009

Herbal Medicine and Pain Management

There is a new resurgence in the herbal medicine community with regards to pain management. With the scientific and economic phenomenon of the 20th century, came the overzealous attitude of the medical community that “more is better”. Consequently, we now have a major problem with the “superbugs” due to the overuse of antibiotics, and a growing crisis in this country due to the abuse of prescription pain medication. Oxicontin and Vicodin addiction numbers are at an all time high, so much so that Oxicontin now carries a warning that the patient should keep it locked up securely and not tell anyone that they even are in possession of it and pharmacies are being robbed in record numbers for their drugs.

What people fail to realize is that some of the greatest pain management drugs in the world are in fact herbal. Morphine, Codeine, Oxicontin, and Vicodin are all derivatives of the poppy flower and are so strong that they are regulated by law.

However, many other plants have also been used for hundreds and maybe even thousands of years, for pain management and inflammation treatment. Many of these plants are also anti-spasmotics and anti-inflammatory so that they go beyond mere symptomatic control to actual organic healing.

Check out, it is your source for natural healing. At Moriah Herbs you are part of the vision, our mission is your well being.

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